分类:行业通知 来源:维运网 时间:2020/11/25
继CMA公告,自2020年11月18日起(美属地区和南美东自12月18日起),针对全球进口至天津新港的所有冻柜,征收$1250每柜的港口拥堵费后,ONE也公告自11月24日起即时征收CGD $1300每柜(特定航线自12月23日起,需与ONE确认)。
【Los Angeles / Long Beach】
There are currently 13 ships at anchor awaiting berths in LAX/LGB as of Friday, November 20th. All terminals are congested due to the spike in import volumes.
Shortage of railcars initially affected the inland transportation transit time to all main inland ramps. This situation has since then improved at the terminals but they are still congested and the on-dock rail performance is still not optimal forcing many units to be trucked to/from the off dock rail ramp and the terminals. The off-dock ramp (ICTF for UP) is heavily congested.
We are currently working with the UP & our house truckers to move these boxes to the terminals as soon as possible in order to load the cargo.
High demand has affected overall trucker availability and the industry facing overall trucker shortage (especially for DG & Overweight units).
Stressed chassis inventory in most terminal locations.
【New York Terminal Update】
NY terminals continue to struggle with higher import volumes, high empty inventories, and increased dwell times.
Expect gate congestion at end of week48 due to closures for Thanksgiving holiday on 11/26.Terminals have been extending gate / terminal hours when necessary to accommodate import deliveries. Other factors still impacting operations are driver shortages, customer warehouse congestion, and low chassis inventories. All terminals dealing with some degree of berth congestion / delays due to reinstatement by all alliances of previous voided sailings, and vessels continually being off schedule upon arrival.
【Chassis Pools】
Oakland, CA – Constrained on 40’ with some units grounded at ramp and high volume of wheeled units at Trapac terminal.
Salt Lake City, UT – Currently no pending issues, but the pool is stressed and more grounding of units may happen next week.
Minneapolis / St. Paul, MN – Deficit on 40’ chassis, longer dwells on street.
New York – Constrained on 40’ chassis due to volumes.
【维运会员特权】 十二大口岸海量专业信息,包括 2000+个目的港的35万+条船期 上千家优势货代供应商联系方式 126家船公司local费用,船货可视化跟踪 300+人脉圈子,20000+张物流人脉名片 PC、移动双版本,随时随地无忧查询
【维运会员特权】 十二大口岸海量专业信息,包括 2000+个目的港的35万+条船期 上千家优势货代供应商联系方式 126家船公司local费用,船货可视化跟踪 300+人脉圈子,20000+张物流人脉名片 PC、移动双版本,随时随地无忧查询