“OOCL SHANGHAI”轮发生失火事故?官方澄清来了

分类:海运新闻 来源:维运网 时间:2023/10/07

有关“OOCL SHANGHAI”轮事故之澄清启事

就近日有传媒报导“OOCL SHANGHAI”轮发生失火事故一事,东方海外现作出以下澄清:

2023年10月1日,“OOCL SHANGHAI”轮在从横滨开往大阪的途中,主机辅助鼓风机发生故障,但未有引发火灾。船员于即日修复了鼓风机,并恢复航行。

没有发生船员受伤、货物损坏、海洋污染或严重的船期延误。该船状况良好,已于2023年10月3日在大阪进行了港口国监督检查,并无缺陷通过 。

Clarification on vessel "OOCL SHANGHAI" incident

We have been aware of some recent media reports of a fire incident on vessel "OOCL SHANGHAI", OOCL would like to clarify as follows:
On October 1st 2023, the vessel “OOCL SHANGHAI” encountered auxiliary blower malfunction while en route from Yokohama to Osaka, without any fire outbreak. The auxiliary blower was repaired by the ship's crew on the same day and the voyage resumed.
There was no crew injured, cargo damaged, marine pollution or significant schedule delay. The vessel is in good condition and had passed the Port State Control inspection at Osaka on October 3rd 2023 without deficiency.




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